Lisa UpdateLisa return my E-mail. First, she said that she was questioning if she was a real alcoholic. Then, she said her reasons for wanting to drink were her son, the changing seasons and her new medication.
I told her that I had a solution for her dilemma if she was interested. She said she was, so I told her my or rather A.A.'s suggestions. I gave her my phone number again and offered to be of any help I could.
And that is that. I have a hard enough time working with people who desperately want to part company with alcohol. I don't need to be chasing down women who are not even sure if they have a problem.
¶ 8/31/2006 07:12:00 PM6 comments
Lisa and the Hand of A.A.
You know my friend Lisa(not her real name)? She is the woman who thought I was avoiding her a few weeks ago. She is also the woman who was pummelling me with cutesy forwarded E-mails a while back.
Lisa told a group of us yesterday, that she has been struggling with a strong desire to drink. She said it all started after two year chip a few months back. I tried to talk to her after but, she left before I could say anything. I should have phoned her but, instead I sent her an E-mail and asked her what was going on. So far I have not heard back.
I believe her and I am glad that she told on herself. If she lets me talk to her my advice will be to go to 90 meeting in 90 days. Also, get a sponsor and work the steps with that sponsor.
I know my job is only to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous. But part of me does not want to carry the message unless I am sure it is going to be heard. Childish I know but, that is how I feel right now in the wee hours of the morning. My sponsor always tells me it is about my willingness and efforts not about the other alcholic's reaction.
¶ 8/31/2006 01:53:00 AM9 comments
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Alcoholics as Bankrupt Idealists
"...Most alcoholics are bankrupt idealist. Nearly everyone of us had wished to do great good, perform great deeds that embodied great ideals. We were perfectionists who, failing to attain perfection, had gone to the other extreme and settled for the bottle and the blackout."
Success Stories of Recovering Alcoholics
Someone found me by entering, "success stories of recovering alcoholics." It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
¶ 8/29/2006 04:03:00 PM10 comments
School Starts Today In a little less than two hours Sam will be on the school bus headed for second grade. A whole day to myself...what to do, what to do.
¶ 8/29/2006 05:21:00 AM6 comments
Monday, August 28, 2006
Gratitude List
A kick-ass God in my life
An awesome Sunday night meeting
A wonderful family
Sam starts second grade in twenty five hours and forty one minutes, not that I am counting or anything.
Dubuque, Iowa I was born and lived the first 18 years of my life in Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuque is a little redneck town on the banks of the Mississippi. I ran across this postcard of Dubuque on the web and I thought I would share it with all of you. Or rather "yous guys." Damn I love being self-righteous.
¶ 8/24/2006 02:32:00 PM6 comments
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Back to School Sam goes back to school next Tuesday. I cannot say that I am exactly choked-up about it. In fact this is what I call my happy dance.
¶ 8/23/2006 08:06:00 PM9 comments
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Windows Live Writer
Anyone else using Windows Live Writer? I have it downloaded but, I cannot say that I am really using it. I can say that I do enjoy the soothing colors that now highlight my forms.
acceptance of addiction big book page 417
Narcissist that I am, I often check my site meter. Yesterday, someone found me by entering the search acceptance of addiction big book page 417. That is either a step up or a step down from finding me by entering the search "naaked men."
¶ 8/21/2006 07:56:00 PM6 comments
Someone in the Program is Mad at Me
My A.A. friend Lisa sent me an E-mail asking me why I was avoiding her and how she had offended me. I was not aware that I was avoiding or offended.
Its not that I mean to avoid her but, we just do not have much in common and I find it difficult to communicate with her. Lisa is the same woman who was pummelling me what those cutesy forwarded E-mails a while back (click here). But when I would try to turn the E-mail into an actual conversation all I got back is more cutesy E-mail. She never seems to want to talk program.
I guess it comes down to this. Beyond exchanging social niceties I would rather spend my time talking with newcomers or people with whom I connect. If she needs my help I am there but, I am not obligated to be her buddy if we just don't connect.
¶ 8/18/2006 07:25:00 AM14 comments
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Burno Kirby Dies From AP: "Bruno Kirby, the veteran character actor who co-starred in When Harry Met Sally and City Slickers has died at age 57 in Los Angeles from complications related to leukemia, according to a statement today from his wife, Lynn Sellers."
Do you ever notice how people are starting die closer and closer to your age? And "When Harry Met Sally" just came out last year right?
¶ 8/16/2006 10:08:00 PM6 comments
O.K. Now I Am Being Judgmental
I need to go to some other meetingswhile this soap opera plays out between my friend, her newcomer girlfriend and the girlfriend's husband. Last night the two women and I were at the same meeting. They sat next to each other being very careful not to look like they were dating.
The meeting was on step ten. My friend talked for four or five minutes on the importance of step ten in her life. All the while she was talking, I am thinking, You Are So Full of Shit. I would call my sponsor and talk about it but, she is my sponsor.
Anyhow, the advice that you folks gave me was right. I have told her my feelings and concerns now, I need to hold her at arms length while waiting for the crash. Geez, I am grateful to be me today.
¶ 8/14/2006 06:58:00 AM9 comments
Friday, August 11, 2006
More Sex and A.A.
I am worried about my friend. You know my sleeping with a married newcomer friend. She told me that this person (I am pretty sure it is a woman) has changed her life for the better. She says she is NOT gambling, or over spending or engaging in her sexual addiction since being in this relationship. Duh!
But, here is the real issue. How do I remain available for her but, keep the focus on my own recovery. I don’t mind waiting around for the car crash but, I am not going to stand in the middle of it.
¶ 8/11/2006 07:02:00 AM14 comments
I do not generally get interested in politics until after Labor Day. In fact, I am not registered correctly so I did not even vote. But, I am told that yesterday you could not swing a dead cat here yesterday without hitting a member of the national media. Not much happens here in little old Connecticut so it is very exciting stuff.
¶ 8/09/2006 01:43:00 PM5 comments
Sex and A.A.
Yesterday, a friend of mine in the program told me that she is in a new relationship. Great! Great except, the other person is new in the progam...And married...And the spouse is in the program.
Can you say, Crash! Can you say, Pain! Can you say, someone might end up Drinking over this. I love my friend but, she does the stupidest things sometimes.
¶ 8/09/2006 08:22:00 AM10 comments
Gratitude List
In an effort to get out of my "post vacation I should have never taken my mother in law funk," it has been suggested that I compose a gratitude list.
The day I discovered Blogging
Our world wide network of fellow recovery Bloggers
Our house
All the cool town and library programs going on this summer
It was our compromise movie between Miami Vice and The Devil Wears Prada. Compromise is how we managed to stay married for the past 13 years.
¶ 8/06/2006 09:49:00 PM10 comments
Mel Gibson's Butt and A.A.
So guys, dish. Has anyone seen Mel Gibson at A.A. lately. Oh wait a minute, it is Alcoholics Anonymous isn't it.
I had no idea that he was one of us. You have to admit that Mel Gibson has one of the best butts in all of human history. Maybe he could start Butts Anonymous and I could go.