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Outright Mental Defective
Thursday, August 31, 2006
  Lisa and the Hand of A.A.
You know my friend Lisa(not her real name)? She is the woman who thought I was avoiding her a few weeks ago. She is also the woman who was pummelling me with cutesy forwarded E-mails a while back.

Lisa told a group of us yesterday, that she has been struggling with a strong desire to drink. She said it all started after two year chip a few months back. I tried to talk to her after but, she left before I could say anything. I should have phoned her but, instead I sent her an E-mail and asked her what was going on. So far I have not heard back.

I believe her and I am glad that she told on herself. If she lets me talk to her my advice will be to go to 90 meeting in 90 days. Also, get a sponsor and work the steps with that sponsor.

I know my job is only to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous. But part of me does not want to carry the message unless I am sure it is going to be heard. Childish I know but, that is how I feel right now in the wee hours of the morning. My sponsor always tells me it is about my willingness and efforts not about the other alcholic's reaction.
Could you follow up with a phone call now, or do you feel like the moment has passed? I understand your not wanting to carry the message where it won't be heard. First, rejection sucks, and secondly, I think all of us want to feel that our time and effort is valued, not just valuable.
Good Morning. Thanks for saying Im not a bad blogger!! How needy am I??? LOL. For some reason, and I dont know why, my last past about being co-dependent didnt have a spot for comments, I think I fixed it with my post this morning. I would appreciate your thoughts. Have a great day.
You are only human Trudge and a fine one at that I believe.Listen to your heart..that is the best way to truly carry the message my friend.
Thanks for sharing~
I agree that it is difficult when I tink I am not being heard, but I try to remember that maybe, just maybe, that means what I have to say isn't ringing true for that person. And people can only hear when they are ready to hear - thus maybe my timing isn't in their time. Sometimes I think that the best thing for me to do is NOT say anything, too.
Like right now--i'll shut up. lol.
I totally agree with what you would say--90 in 90, get a sponsor and actually work some steps with that sponsor (especially when she is looking at two years of recovery!)
I will keep "Lisa" in my prayers
I agree with what Scott said!

Great blog entry Trudging!
Oh I can really relate to feeling like you want to be heard. If someone has asked me for help and then they dismis me I become ~ well I will say "yucky" inside. Not how I want to be. Again ~ I will keep coming back!
Sometimes carrying the message falls of deaf ears, until people are ready to receive it. So you walk away and hope they stick and stay.

Dont sweat the small stuff, you can save everybody in the rooms. save your words for someone who needs them.

This is prolly' reason #345 for me going to Al-Anon in addition to AA. To help the suffering alcoholic and to learn when enough is enough in the helping department.
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