Success Stories of Recovering Alcoholics
Someone found me by entering, "success stories of recovering alcoholics." It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
¶ 8/29/2006 04:03:00 PM
....well then.. that would make you Hobbs and I will be Calvin.Cool. (warm and fuzzy..get it?) I think you are great!.. fuzzy or not.
No one discusses, much less documents failure stories of recovering alcoholics. It would seem that these would be at least, if not more so, important. How many failed alcoholics, like myself, actually hang around on the Internet and include their truthful failures as their ability to access the Internet dwindles.
I hope that my failure will become someone’s lesson.
Without Wax,
Sincerely Sober An honest, live, interactive self-portrayal of one alcoholic's quest of recovery.
I mentioned the late Allen Luden, host of Password, on my blog once. It's incredible. People google him all the time. My traffic is way up, it's what keeps me going.