My Mother
I am having a
hard time dealing with my mother since my father died. No, let me rephrase that. I am having a
harder time with my mother since my Dad died. I have pretty much always had a hard time dealing with her.
I use to call my mother the
Norman Vincent Peale of negative thinking. She has this
grinding negativity about her. She can pick out the negative aspect to any event from a mile away. Her negativity is so much worse now, that she is
grieving my Dad.
She won't however, go to
grief counseling or take any of the other help the hospice has offered her. Instead she gets me on the phone and talks about the time she was
snubbed at my cousin's wedding. The wedding was in
1969 and my cousin has been
dead for ten years but, my mother is still mad about it. She has a million old wounds that she keeps bringing up like they happened yesterday. Most of the time
I just cannot wait to get her off the phone.