When I first sobered up, my sponsor used to talk to me about the "Three M's of The Program." You won't find this in any of the conference approved literature but, it was useful at the time. She said:
If I wanted to drink or drug I should go to a meeting
If I was feeling anxious or afraid I should meditate
And if I wanted to get into a romantic relationship I should, well you get the idea
Lol, sometimes I obsess over not being with anyone... but not for very long. My sponsor always reminds me: "What have you got to offer her?" Honestly, I am to worried about me to worry about another... so why even bother?
Very funny post, but good to remember for many. Man I see so many epople get messed up over new relationships..... Hey, I didn't realize you had lived in MN. Where???? Peace, Scout
okay...I think I got it ladies.. At first I was like..huh..Trudge does not want to date right ..what is the big deal..then I come back and it see ..woman snickering ...LOL. somedays I am so frick'in blonde it worries me..lol!once JJ shared about her batteries..I got it..jeese you could have planted more clues Trudge. LOL@silly me :P