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Outright Mental Defective
Friday, August 31, 2007
  My Father Died
My Dad died yesterday. He was one of those guys who has been dying for the last twelve or fifteen years. Yesterday however, Walter Eugene did die.

He had been a artist before he went away to World War II. Then he spent something like three years in combat. He received two purple hearts and a bronze star for his valor. Then he returned to the states and worked at a department store for the next forty years.

He did not want to have a wake or funeral or have "any fuss" made over his death. My mother told me that he did not think there was anyone left who would remember him. And anyway if someone did remember him he wasn't sure he would want them at his funeral. We are not big on feeling emotions in my family.
I'm so sorry about your dad. It sounds as if he was a brave man. I can understand about not wanting a fuss. My father was a person who didn't want a lot of pomp and show. My condolences to you and your mom.
Sorry to hear about your dad. It is never easy to loose someone, even if he has been preparing for 15 years.
You have my condolences.
I am so sorry for you and your family..how is sam on this one.. your in my prayers.
My condolences.
You sound to be handling as well as possible and it's too bad that Same will miss out on the opportunity to have his granddad any longer.
I'm so sorry darlin'.
My brother (age 57) called my yesterday and said "I'm learning that we were not big on feelings in our family growing up" I said "are you just now realizing that???" I hear you trudge. I think that we are definitly showing a different side to our own children. Sam knows what feelings are....and that it's OK to have them, show them, and work thru them.
Sending my condolences, too. How are you handling the whole thing?
Hey there, Trudging...

Sorry to hear about your loss. It's always tough when people repress (or refuse to express) emotions at times where you feel they are needed most, like this.

I also came from a family that was "not big on feeling emotions." It makes for weird perspective. I guess that's why I ended up in standup comedy.

I hope you some how find a way to enjoy the long weekend. Although, I know it'll be difficult, considering...
I am so sorry to hear about your dad. It is hard to lose these people, even the ones were weren't particularly close to... they are still a part of our lives.
i'm sorry to hear about your dad trudge, take good care of yourself.
Well Trudge, You just feel and reflect however you need to today.
We don't chose our families and are completely powerless over how they live or lived thier lives.
You can chose how to remember them and how they impact you.
I am sending you condolences Trudge.No matter the relation,there is still a departed phase of healing.sending you peace.
Sorry to hear of your loss. The grieving process seems to happen no matter how deep or shallow the relationship is, its still a shock to the system.

Take care my friend, thoughts and prayers are with you
Thank you everyone
I'm so sorry for your loss. Extra prayers for you and your family -- Sam is especially in my thoughts.
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