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Outright Mental Defective
Friday, July 06, 2007
I am worried about my husband. He has been sober a couple of months longer than I have been. We had our second date on my two year sobriety birthday.

About two years ago he stopped going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. His reason for not going to meetings is that when we left Minneapolis four years ago he had to leave his home group, a Monday night men's group. Evidently that men's group is the be all and end all of meetings everywhere. Not only are there no meetings that live up to that meeting but, according to Chuck, there are no good A.A. meetings anywhere in Connecticut. That's right anywhere in the entire state of Connecticut. He actually said this to a friend of mine who then suggested that he try Western Mass.

At first I really did not care if he was going to meetings or not. I figured it is his recovery and he can do what he wants. But, I just cannot stand him right now. He is just so damn crabby and God is not doing what he wants fast enough.

Now, I am not prefect and I do not work a perfect program. There have been several times when I have gotten away from going to meetings. Then my ass catches fire one way or another and I find myself back in the rooms. Anyhow, who am I to tell him what to do.

If you pray, could you pray for us. The last time you guys all prayed for Sam, I could really feel it.
I feel for you. I too have a difficult husband. He's a dry drunk, and doesn't cherish the best of sobriety. I don't know what to do either, so I give it up to the higher power.

I'll pray for you and him.
Thanks for stopping by.
I remember moving a couple of times in sobriety. It's really hard when you are emotionally connected to your first home group.

I will pray for you AND for him. I can really tell when I stop going to meetings or criticize everything in them.

Hang in there.
Sent one up.

Let us know how things go and if we can do anything else.
I wish I had some wise words to help you through this time. I don't. You husband has his own path, and his own recovery to take care of. Unfortunately, you have to live with him while he works the kinks out of his program. I will keep you both in my thoughts.
Sending up some prayers right now.
I feel ya trudge. Maybe we should have a "spouse prayer" day in blog land.
I have been in AA for 30 years and need to go to Alanon every so often. It helps me!!!
For sure will pray!!!
Tell him to start his own.. Why not?
Definitely on my prayer list.

When I moved to LA, all the meetings sucked. I couldn't believe how lame the recovery was in such a big city, when it was so vibrant in the smaller place I moved from (and got sober in). I bet all the meetings in Western Mass suck as bad as the ones in Connecticut. Needless to say, the recovery community in LA is so much stronger now that I'm more involved in it...

I really like Pam's suggestion for a National Day of Prayer for Spouses to Shape Up.

You're a marvelous lady and you have a wonderful family, and I sincerely pray that you and your family will have grace, peace and serenity, individually and together.
it is definitely scary when you are in relationship with another one of "our type".

prayers coming your way :) you may want to consider al-anon in addition to aa if you continue to have concerns.

it's helped me out quite a bit. our double winner meeting here has many a double digit aa's that attend the al-anon for this very reason and many others.
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