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Outright Mental Defective
Sunday, July 08, 2007
  Summer Camp
Thank you for all your comments on my last post, it really helped. Thanks for the prayer too, I can feel it.

In a little more than nine hours, my eight year old son Sam leaves for summer camp. I am feeling this odd mixture of emotion that I cannot quite describe. No, its more a roller coaster of emotion.

He has really, really been wearing me out this summer. He is so smart and he has so much energy that there is no way that I can even begin to keep up with him. In fact with Sam it looks like it is more than just having a lot of energy. It looks like Sam has some form of Attention Deficit Disorder. We are in the process of working with his doctor now. My husband, who also has ADD, has suspected Sam has it for a long time. I never however, never thought he did.

To add to the roller coaster have all been sick this week with a 24 stomach virus. Sam was the last and in fact is just getting over his virus. If he makes it to 3:00 am that will be 24 hours without running for the bathroom. Just in time to go to camp.

Hi trudging,
I hope you all feel better now, just a weird thing, aint it funny how you can still be finding amends to do three years on in life.
I just tried to book a holiday at a campsite I visited in my final drinking sessions to find I had been banned.
So I wrote a letter of amends
Wow, Trudge, our boys have a lot in common: summer camp this week, sober moms, cub scouts and ADD/ADHD.

My husband and I suspected Max was ADHD early on, but were able to manage it with behavior and diet modification and working with his teachers. As he got older, that stopped working. The process was long and involved and we did tons of research (many doctors, books, counselors, classes, testing, etc) before we put him on meds. If you ever want to talk about it, let me know.

For the record, Max was involved in the decision making process and is much happier that he can control his impulses and doing really well in school. That big brain of his can now focus on what is being taught or said and actually retain it.

I hope you're family is on the mend now. Being sick in the summer sucks.
Hi. I also have some experience with the topic of ADD- ADHD. My older son, the Prince was diagnosed ADD without hyperactivity very early on, along with some learning disabilities and it made school and learning very very difficult for him, and frustrating for us. We ended up medicating him, and ironically enough, ritalin became the first drug he abused. My little Prince, is also ADHD. Big time on the hyperactivity. He does not have any learning disablilities to add to it, which is a good thing, but I have to work very closely with the teachers and he requires lots of loving support to keep him on task or he is ALL over the place. I could go on and on here, but if you want to discuss further, leave me a comment and I will send you my email addy.

I will include you & your family in my prayers.... and sending virtual hugs.
Hope your feeling better.

Reid went through much of that. The school kept writing things like "has problems focusing and staying on task"

I took him to a specialist in Princeton and he said he was fine. That was when he was 6 or 7.

He is now 11 and he is just like every other male in his school. He also scores very high on all his testing.

I wish you well and from my ESH I can say ~ no matter what it will be ok.

Did you enjoy your first day of silence?
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