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Outright Mental Defective
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
  My Father is Dying
My father is dying. He has been dying on and off now for at least the last twelve years. Two weeks ago however, my mother finally put him in a nursing home. So, he must be really, really be dying this time.

The truth is I never really liked my father. As a kid, I took on my mother’s anger towards him. She would tell me all these awful things about him. She would tell me how pathetic he was and how pathetic all the men in her life had been. Then, when I got angry at my father for being pathetic my mother would become angry at me. “Why don’t you love your father, he is such a good man.” I learned several years ago that she was worried that was a lesbian because, I did not like my father and therefore did not like men. You just can’t win in my family.

So here it is years later and I understand what my mother did. I understand that what she did was wrong. I understand that her relationship with my Dad is not my relationship with him. And you know what, dying or not, I still do not like my father.
I have to say that I felt a profound sense of relief when my my mother died. We had a nice couple of last years together, but life has felt a lost simpler since she's shuffled on off this mortal coil. It was a hard, sad truths for me to embrace, but I'm so much happier living in reality than I was on Planet Out There!
My dad has also been dying for the last 16 years. More so the last 3 with Pancreatic Cancer. It is sad to see him so ill and just a shadow of the man he once was. It is almost like the Dad I knew and loved died a long time ago. I am sorry to hear your news.
What you wrote. That's okay.
My dad was dying for nearly 40 years. He finally did die though. I was sad. My mother was a different story.

How complex these relationships are.
I hope you have a serene Thursday.
I can relate so well with all of this. God bless your heart...
I've learned to accept my parents for all their flaws. They did the best that they could but they were beset with problems just as I am. It's a legacy that few of us escape without being wounded. Maybe you don't have to like your father but just accept him for who he is.
I am sorry, Trudge. But how brave of you to be so honest with your feelings. Those are so powerful words you wrote there, my friend.
I am sorry, Trudge. But how brave of you to be so honest with your feelings. Those are some powerful words you wrote there, my friend.
Know how you feel, friend - I don't like my mother..
Thank you for your honesty
I didn't like my father all that much when I was growing up either, although I think I always loved him, and my mother confided too much in me at a young age about him. Now, I am much closer to him and can see that my Mom was no angel either. I've come to like my Dad as well as love him.
hey Trudge, i really appreciate you honesty. I am glad you can be. my prayers are with you. (((HUGS)))
awesome post, i can relate on all of it. except the mom trying to cover up her "mind-poisoning". my mom has a 38 year old resentment towards my birth father.

as an adult and after getting sober i had to find out who he really was with my own eyes and heart.
Wow. It seems like you have come to many areas of acceptance here. My prayers to you and your family.
Families and feelings about family members are toooo friggin complex. I do understand how you feel. I love my father but do not like at all how he acts. That is when he is not being nice which is too large a percent of the time.

who says we have to like our parents? Accept, love, try to get along with sometimes, but like? Nope I never did like my Dad
At least you can understand why you still don't like him Trudge.
That takes a lot of acceptance.
Tab xo
family is difficult, I can relate... I'll be praying for all of you, my friend!
Am still getting to the truth about my relationship with my mum, it wasnt a Mrs Walton and Mary-Ellen relationship, although it wasnt a total mess.. its so much better to get honest(for us)
I don't like my father either.....
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