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Outright Mental Defective
Thursday, February 01, 2007
  Hearing a 5th Step
I am hearing someone's 5th step on Monday. I am so nervous you would think it was my 5th step. I not sure exactly why I am so nervous. I have heard other 5th steps before without incident. It is just that this woman is a sponsee and a friend and I do not want to mess up. I know, I know, it is not about me. If you think of it, I would appreciate a prayer or two on Monday.
prayer in the making :) i always try to keep that mantra in my head of "god's in charge" not me therefore it cannot be messed up.

it really is such a privilege to be party to someone's 5th step. maybe it's the compliment that's got you nervous?
I am always nervous to hear a 5th step, and I've heard alot of them. I am nervous (and I suspect the same it true for you) because I take this deal very very seriously. I know how important a 5th step can be to someones recovery....and I want so bad for them to "get" this deal, that I don't want any stumbling blocks in the way.......I especially don't want to be one of the stumbling blocks. I just ask God to sit with me, and speak thru me when it's appropriate.
I think it's healthy to be nervous when someones mental health is on the line.......it shows you care.
I have no experience in this . . . yet. Looks like everyone has offered some good support above.
see above
I shall stand by you on Monday.
Consider prayers said on Monday. It is amazing when we think of what a profound role we get to play in others' lives. What a blessing you are to your sponsee.
Consider it done! I'll even light a candle for ya both.
penciling you in now, my little pocket sized Classgear Composition book, Mrs. Trudge.

("80 sheets, 160 pages" it says. Nifty. And you're down for MONDAY FEBRUARY 5
during my appendectomy i just noticed. huh.)

you know i don't worry about you one bit but i'll say a prayer of thanks already, it's done.
I'll start now, Trudge. I wonder what that experience will be like.
Hey I get nervous sometimes too.. LOL its all good Trudge, prayers are heading your way... and relax and pray and it will work out the way it is supposed to ((((HUGS))))
Wow. What everyone else has already said.

Consider yourself prayed for, girl.
Prayer? No problemo. I hope it goes well for both of you.
God's got it. Prayers for you and your sponsee~ Candles lit~ It's allll goooooood.

Happy Sunday Trudge
Good luck trudge! I do mine in 2hour sessions because Its JUST TOO EXHAUSTING to do it fo longer, so I am under no pressure to 'wrap up the whole deal' in one sitting. I wouldn't say I feel nervous, but I find them incredibly hard work. My brain really hurts at the end of two hours, but then so do theirs! SOMETIMES I get concerned about the personal details I will be hearing, but if I am focussing on the 'thrid column' (where all the defects of charachter are) then i find there just isnt ANY room left in my head to think about the nature of the personal details, so that helps me feel better about it. Hey, I'm sure you'll be fine!! Good luck with it anyhow..
Prayer request sent up for you!!! Keep coming back!!!
Thinking of you this morning (monday).
It's Monday and I am thinking of you.
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