Outright Mental Defective
What is the best name you know of for a meeting? Mine is Outright Mental Defective hence, the name of this Blog. What is yours?
¶ 1/29/2007 09:10:00 AM
The name of the 6:30am weekday meeitng I attend is ... EYES WIDE SHUT. I like that. If I get to help name another new group, my suggestion will be ... ISSUES and TISSUES.
My homegroup is "women's step study", not really original right? My 2nd homegroup is "double winners al-anon group".
My old 2nd homegroup (before I moved up north) was "southern pacific", it was started by folks from ca, the southern pacific area where clancy and those guys got sober.
i completely vote for "I want to scream". that's freaking hilarious.
I want to Scream is awesome -- agreed. However, I do think Trudge has the best one with Outright Mental Defective. I even wrote in the comment on Top 100 that we all need to face up to the fact that Trudge has the best blog name :) I have often thought that "Came to Scoff-Stayed to Pray" (also from the BB)would be a good meeting name -- but I am not generally an AA member. Alas, I do not have use for it..... Fun topic, Trudge. Peace, Scout