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Outright Mental Defective
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
  Coca Cola
I spoke last night and inspite of my best intensions I did sort of a crappy job. Oh well the outcome is up to God anyway.

I forgot that its not a good idea to quit an addiction on the same day that you speak in front of a group of court order alcoholics. I am quitting regular Coca Cola.

I know its a wimpy addiction. Yet I am as addicted to Coke as I ever was to drugs and alcohol. No it does not land me in jail but, it is wrecking my teeth, enlarging my ass and leaching calcium from my bones. It is sad but, I need it to function.

So today is day two. Poor Sam is home sick the second time in as many weeks. I am really, really trying to be nice.
You can do it!!! I tried to give up coffee and cigarettes on the same day. HUGE mistake. I am still off the cigarettes (3 months saturday) but still cant give up my starbucks habit. While, like you, it wont wind me in jail, it is an EXENSIVE habit... $4.18 a latte sometime 2 a day... and not good for my hyperdynamic heart!!!
Oh I know what you mean. I have tons of wimpy addictions.. one of which is tv.. LOL sometimes I need a TV diet.
I cut back on sugar
I cut out candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream, chips, anything fried or baked goods... LOL and the first week I was a bit grumpy...

it passes,
here is to you getting off of COKE, COCA COLA that is... ahahhahahhahaha
I need to get off the diet dr. pepper. I am trying to cut down (just like trying to control and enjoy my drinking)
Happy belated Birthday, whimp.

It will get better, and your arse will get smaller...... Good thing I am too far away for you to slap me silly.
I adore your personality. Addictions some in many forms. Quiting Coke is no exception. If we allow it, we can justify a bad habit by saying it has minimal consequences and won't take us out like drugs and alcohol. But your now, and now it is time to say Bye-Bye coke. You will feel better once it is out of your system.
I quit drinking any kind of soda right before Thanksgiving. Good luck!
i hear you on it being an addiction. it was a must have in early sobriety, even waking up in the morning i felt better if i knew i had coke to drink.

(which is exactly the way i thought if i had drugs or alcohol available when i woke up).

good luck, i love coke too.
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