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Outright Mental Defective
Friday, December 08, 2006
  I Feel Better Today
As of this morning, I feel better. I have been in a pre-Christmas funk for a few weeks.

What brought on my pre-Christmas funk? Well, I have not been sleeping well on an off for about a month now. As I learned when I was a brand new mother, sleep deprivation mimics depression. On the other hand, depression often brings on sleepless nights. Yuck!

This week I have been working really hard at taking care of myself. I have been:

I hate taking care of myself, I would much rather take care of other people. But, how can I really take care of them if I am not taking care of myself.

Please. Take care of YOU!!!
"God is the answer, so now, what is the question?"
Christmas can sure bring on the emotional roller coaster

glad you feel better

take good care
taking action is always the best solution. Your willingness is showing.
Learning to take care of myself is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do.
I feel ya.
Glad you are doing it, Trudge.
My taking-care-of-myself-ness ebbs and flows. Thanks for reminding me to pull my socks up.


K x
I hope you are feeling better!
I am blue a bit too... I think its Holiday related, the best I can figure is I miss my mom and dad... and I too dont sleep too well.. I am ok once I am asleep just getting there is the hard part...

I know and I know you know... this too shall pass... feel better soon and glad you are taking care of you!
"sleep deprivation mimics depression. On the other hand, depression often brings on sleepless nights. Yuck!" = is that an oxymoron?

But I will tell you this....I can so totally relate!
The problem with lack of sleep or sleepless nights is the more you think about it the worse it gets
Good plan of action. You are not only taking care of the physical you but the spiritual you too! The World needs you, but first we need you to be better.
What a plan that is trudge..very nice
Boy, I can relate to this! Glad you are taking care of yourself.
Taking care of others is easy, taking care of yourself is hard work. But do take care of yourself, it's kinda important for your well being!!!
it is a link that takes a long time to establish, and then can be forgotten quickly isn't it? i too have this tug of war with self care and it seems so natural to some people.

such a struggle for me too. great identification and planning trudging. it works if you work it! thanks for setting a good example!
Oh I am so right there with you. I got the "you must take care of yourself" lecture from the husband and the shrink. Both male ;) Anyway sleep is off and if you get a chance to swing be you can read how my head gets without it. Hang in there.

Taking care of ourselves and putting you first on the list is like flexing a muscle - going to the gym! Keep up the good work and remember to take it one day at a time! You have the tools!
Hey, girlfriend - hope you are feeling better. Not getting enough sleep sucks bigtime. And yes, take care of you!!
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And again....
Ditto on the taking care of yourself thing for me. It's a struggle indeed. I will pray for you for restful sleep :)
Take good care my friend!
I can empathize.....only worse than the pre-christmas funk is being down and out during it. Being on crutches and unable to even do anything "chritmasy" around the house has me way down.
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