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Outright Mental Defective
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
  Bizarre A.A. Experiences
I have had my share of bizarre experiences in Alcoholics Anonymous but today’s was one of the wackiest. There is this guy named Earl (no kidding) who is in an out of the rooms. I barely know him and I don’t think that I have ever once had a conversation with him.

When it was Earl’s turn to share on the 4th step he said that he had a resentment against me because I had ignored him in our town library the day before. I did not see him in the library yesterday. If I had seen him I am not sure I would have remembered his name. Yet, there he was telling this meeting of about thirty people that I failed to say hello to him. I would be angry but, it was just so damn weirdly pathetic
I have a tendency to ignore men too. I think, for me, it's genetic.

Happy New Year!
that is weirdly pathetic, sounds like he is socialy retarded? LOL thats what me and hubby called ourselves in the beginning..Oh well will be interesting to see if he grows?
That is weird of him to do, remember just pray for the sick head.
Actually a big part of our "anonymity" is that, when we see each other outside of the rooms of AA, we respect that it might not be the wish of another that they be identified. Unless I get a knowing or welcoming smile from another sober member of AA in public, I will generally mind my own business--and that's never a bad plan. Some people just feel the need to be recognized for turning oxygen in C02. I would probably start ignoring that guy in meetings as well for a while! :-)
Sounds like "an Earl..."
i call those kind of people 'EGR' - extra grace required...

i bet next time you'll see him you'll be even less likely now to say hello! :)
We alkies sure are sensitive!!
I thought being Earl was about making amends.
I love Scotts comment!! Brillant!

Happy New Year!

with love, kel
true, i've worried about that before about people not noticing me (b/c i'm so self-centered) but i haven't ever said it out loud to them or at a meeting.

i think in a weird way, it's a compliment to you. don't ask how i arrived at that, it's my psychic powers at work again :)
No, Scott.
That's Earnest!!
I would say hi to Earnest if I saw him at the Library.

Alcholics are such weird people.
wait...is it Ernest or is it Earl?...say hi to Earl for me...tell him he has a friend who he has never seen....
Does Earl have a sponsor?
I meet weird people all the time in aa, so I can't say this reaction surprises me. There are a lot of VERY sick people in aa. I used to have a very mad perception of the world myself, so perhaps thats what makes it easier for me not to get too ajitated by this kind of behaviour. who knows. but i'm afraid dealing with weirdness is par for the course in aa..
Earl, from the TV show, My Name is Earl, is trying to rectify his karma by making amends to everyone he harmed in his life. Dave doesn't watch enough TV.
No Daave it is Earl...have you seen the show??? My name is Earl and he goes around making amends for all the bad stuff he did... LOL

Anyway trudge... hope today was a lot better for ya,

rule 62
Yup, weird. A lot of times I don't even look at all the people in the room....you know...it an anonymous program. Weird.
I underlined the part of the big book to wives that says we alcoholics are overly sensitive, thought it would be something my wife would want to know. HAH!!! Wish it wasn't in ink, but it's a good reminder for me.

Thanks for sharing Trudge, and I hope you aren't harboring a resentment for me for not visiting your blog more. When I do see it, I will say HI!

That is totally weird! Haha!
Seems like it's Earl's "stuff" and not yours.

Happy New Year and all the best for 2007.

Dave, do you even have cable?
Happy New Year!!!
We are overly sensitive, aren't we? I'm sure others would think some of my resentments are pathetic too. Oh well! I was told AA isn't a hotbed of mental health and some of us are sicker than others.
Well some day you will get a number on Earl's list. Maybe you already have one if he has a resentment. When I have resentments, I remeber what my sponsor said to me. Just pray for them. So I wound up turning it around and would tell people that I hoped they could come up with a resentment towards me so they could pray for me. I can use all the prayers I can get.
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