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Outright Mental Defective
Thursday, November 30, 2006
  I Want to Write a Book
I want to write a book. I have wanted to write a book for as long as I can remember. And there my short career as a writer comes to an end. I tell myself that I am too undisciplined to write a book. I tell myself that I do not have any good ideas to write about. I still however, want to write a book.
I began writing one years ago, but the bar kept getting in the way. It DOES take a lot of discipline.
I've written 1/2 a book...now what good is that? I want to finish my book...if you come up with any ideas on how to start your writting...please SHARE them with me. Maybe shopping for the right pen for a few months would work :)
Seriously I too have always wanted to write a book. Unfortunately, my mind is so damaged I just can't seem to get it started. It's all jumbled, out of order, nuts I tell ya.
PS: Write it
They always say there is a book in all of us, I think I write a book everyday with my blogging and I write the company newsletter (unofficial one)
I think you should write a book! I wrote a book when I was drinking, but it was never published, I wonder why?
I thought the same thing too, but this past Summer I finished my first manuscript for my first book. It needs to be edited and hopefully will get published eventually.

You can do anything in sobriety you set your mids too, because? Your mind and body are clear and healthy. Never sell yourself short.

Enjoy the ride.

You can do it! :-)

I think you are a great writer.

If I might suggest you stop lying to yourself about what you can't do and go write a book!
I hear you, Trudge. I hear you.
Perhaps you can collect all your post from your blog and publish it as a book. Zap, already done! So we'll call this Trudge's first book. Then you can write another, the one you are seeking to do right now. You have the experience.

yeh go for it. why not for gawds sakes? i see no reason whatsoever why you shouldn't. just write and see what happens.
I used to want to write a book, more than one, but i just never really 'got into it'. i was a non starter. looking back i can see that I dont think that was the right path for me to take. it just woudn't have suited. now i'm glad i never got round to writing it. and now I have no desire to. as i have another goal that appeals to me much more than book writing, so thats why.
poor old trudge! you remind me of me! i think you might be from the same 'wimp' personality type as myself! who knows though. perhaps not.
yeh go for it. why not for gawds sakes? i see no reason whatsoever why you shouldn't. just write and see what happens.
I used to want to write a book, more than one, but i just never really 'got into it'. i was a non starter. looking back i can see that I dont think that was the right path for me to take. it just woudn't have suited. now i'm glad i never got round to writing it. and now I have no desire to. as i have another goal that appeals to me much more than book writing, so thats why.
poor old trudge! you remind me of me! i think you might be from the same 'wimp' personality type as myself! who knows though. perhaps not.
I am a writer.
Have been writing since I was a young teen.Not yet published mind you but the passion is there.Once you truly want to unleash that desire you have Trudge,it will happen...one page at a time..lol
Thanks for sharing!
Wanting and doing are two different things.
I think we ALL should write this book.... start a new team blog... Make it a fictional book. You write the first few pages...then we all can all sign on whenever and take these characters and this story line wherever we want. Next person on has to pick it up from there...WHAT A STORY!!!! Imagine.....
Write a book? I just want to sleep through the night for once!!! I am a lover of books, and my favorite thing to read is memoirs. Specifically memoirs about recovery... There is a huge market for it right now. I think you should go for it!
Ditto to the book idea writing idea! My problem is I can't stick with any one thing too long, my mind wonders and I find something else I want to do more...

How about a book about staying focused on one clear cut goal??

Didn't James Frey kill the recovery momoirs market?
Master Frey's second book is also a best seller, Trudge. Go figure...
And YOU would write the truth, so...
funny that you know you want to write a book. i've been thinking that myself. before i quit my sponsor had me create a list of the things i would do if money were no object.

she pointed out that i had "write a book" on the list three times, something i failed to realize.

from what i am hearing, they say to just start writing about anything and the story will tell itself.
well WRITE IT THEN! research on "how to write a book" then get a formular that works for you AND DO IT! I think it would be amazing... keep us posted on that Trudge!
I'm a writer wannabe too. I just joined the blogging community & apparently my posts are too long :( Someone gave me a 6 out of 10 rating for it on the Top100 Sober Blog list. Maybe I should skip to the memoir since I have too many words :( I guess I have a lot to learn yet from the rest of y'all, but it is fun to read.
What would you write about?
I am currently working the "Artists Way" 12 step program for blocked creative types. I'm finding it very helpful...essential, actually.

The Artist's Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, by Julia Cameron. She has a website somewhere.

My Higher Power gave me this book. I kid you not! I had walked away from the books, but went back because...I don't know. Then I reached for a book in a dark corner, and I couldn't read the title. It was the only book I pulled off the shelves (in the middle of a bunch of cookbooks) and it was e-x-a-c-t-l-y what I needed. Thanks, HP!
PS - Julia has gobs to say about the things we tell ourselves to hinder our progress.
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