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Outright Mental Defective
Thursday, November 09, 2006
There is an elephant in my living room. The elephant is that I haven’t had a job since moving to Connecticut over three years ago. And by job I mean a career oriented fulltime job. I was actively looking until sometime last March when I was turned down for what I thought was my dream job. I essentially gave up at that point.

Now here is my dilemma in a job search as I see it. On one hand, I have a lot of education. So I am frequently told that I am over qualified while being ushered out the door. On the other hand, jobs I am qualified for I do not get because I have not been working in the field lately.

Anyhow, this period unemployment has really been messing with my self esteem. I am beginning to feel like there is nothing I could do in the work place that would be of any value. I don’t talk about it in the rooms anymore. I am afraid that people will get tried of hearing it.

So here I am full of suggestions for other people and none for myself.
Is the elephant pink?
More mauve
I guess I thought your job was caring for Sam.

Jobs, finances and money are a theme in blogs I am reading today---wow

I can relate to moving to a new area and not being able to find full time work. I am working 2 part time positions, both granted--unemployment always seems just ahead---but God provides!
Well, as you know, the job thing is constantly an issue with me, and I actually talked about it today in my blog... again!

I pray you find what you are looking for!

Yea, the "no experience" bit sucks, I hear it all the time in my pseudo job search.
I haven't been paid to work in several years either. I work just about as much as a full-time job most weeks running several programs and events for my church and people in the community as a volunteer. I have no doubt about being able to beef my resume up if or when I ever need too and there are several people who would be able to be an honest and great reference because of that. I've heard of several others using volunteer work to get back into all sorts of different fields. Potential employers don't need to know what or IF you got paid.

I don't know if you already have been volunteering but if not in 6 months to a years time you could get more work experience than you could have ever gotten in a single job setting.

Sorry if all that was more info or advise than you wanted though ;)

Either way, don't let people define you by a job or career. A person shouldn't be defined by what their being PAID to do. It's what you do and how you do it the rest of the time that counts.
oh i hate it when it starts to mess with who you are. i think finding work is more work than work...

i haven't worked in a decade and can't imagine having to re-enter the work force. i think it would be so dehumanizing. i feel your pain!
Hmm. I actually think there's a great deal of wisdom in feelings. Good and bad. I think that if this is nagging you, that there is an element of truth in it. I think you may very well be 'reduced in yourself' by not putting your skills to use. I think you would indeed benefit from being in a job that matches your abilities. Not a dead end one that uses a fraction of your mental abilities. Yes its scary and its not straightforward, but doing something is a start and its better than nothing. Why not get the best position you can get?, taking into account the retrograde re entry point, due to time away. -and see how you feel about that? It might lead to something better. And if its a complete disaster, you can always jack it in and do something else! Aim for the best you can rather than pitch low. They can only say no! No harm in asking! Give it a whirl and see what happens! Take a risk! Get out of that comfortable rut! Comfort zones are NO fun! Go get 'em Floyd!
Apply to crap jobs to begin with just to get started. It shifts the sense of power into your side of the court. Its like baby steps and is a 'zero stress' interview if you are TOTALLY ambivalent about the job. If you only apply for 'dream jobs' you get accustomed to being STRESSED in interviews. I always line up a few 'shite' interviews to wear the whole interview thing 'like a loose garment'. I get a perverse pleasure out of knowing I really don't want the job even if they offer it to me.
? Hope that gives your charming mauve elephant a run for its money...
Oh yeah. I almost forgot... Why not..
Ask your higher power to GUIDE you to the VERY BEST job that it's possible for you to get. -That gives you the opportunity to be of MAXIMUM HELPFULNESS, IF its your (meaning your higher power's) will'.
Then you go off and do the footwork!
That's what I always tell my Sponsees, and its also what I do myself.
A job does not define the beautiful essence of YOU. Your feelings are valid, I went thru this too. It is almost like playing chess, planning the next strategic move so you won't get burnt.

Don't let fear handicap you. You have a place out there Trudge, it just has not found you yet.
I too have had long periods in my adult life when I haven't worked (outside the home). Prospective employers do frown on those blank spaces. But I am sure there is a job out there with your name all over it.
I once landed a high-paying job that was way over my head and somehow I kept it for a year and a half. Pure personal hell can be interesting to remember.. It was so predictable in the end but I lived each day as if my life depended on that position, that role, that masquerade! Jeez, I started on an incremental nervous breakdown you wouldn't believe, like new pressure fractures of the brain each week. Finally started to come in at 4am so I could leave at 2, trying to stay away from my coworkers/superiors.
Had my break-down with near-fainting spells and almost got myself a cane. They sent me flowers in detox, that took the cake , I laughed like mad. They looked forward to my return, OH NO.
So my advice is , eh, fear success or something. YOu shouldn't ever listen to me, you know that by now...
The same elephant is in my living room, too.

I suspect that my job search dilemma would be similar to yours, Trudge, but I haven't tested it out because I'm trying to find a way to earn a living making things (various arts/crafts). I have a long ways to go, and some days I feel completely overwhelmed.

This is a tough spot to be in. I obsess about the future too much. I'm having trouble letting go...OR, I think I'm letting go and then feel that I'm not being proactive about my situation. The feeling that I really really need to pull out of a (false perception) nose dive is relentless. The clock is ticking.

I feel out of control. And, oh boy, I detest that feeling! Maybe that's the lesson I'm supposed to be learning.

I was listening to an AA speaker tape the other night. The speaker mentioned that his Higher Power ALWAYS comes through....but it sure would be nice if He didn't always wait until the 11th hour. hahaha ain't that the truth.

We will be OK.
Deb (taking baby steps)
I think.
Envision that job then thank your Higher Power for letting you find it. Ask to be shown the next right thing, then do it. Sometimes it's our perceptions that need to change.
Elephant here, too.
If you really want to go back to work, then my suggestion would be to work at finding a job like you work your program. In your mind envision finding the perfect job, then do the footwork that will lead you to it. If you can do that each day, and turn over the results to your Higher Power, you will be amazed before you are halfway through......
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