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Outright Mental Defective
Saturday, October 07, 2006
  Uncomfortable in A.A.
Yesterday, I had an uncomfortable experience at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous that I would like to share. I have a four day weekend so; I was able to attend the Friday Morning meeting. We were on the second step and one person started talking about their experiences growing up a Roman Catholic. All of a sudden it seemed like half the table was sharing about their mostly negative experiences growing up a Roman Catholic.

I was not raised Catholic. My family’s protestant history dates back almost to Martin Luther. I have only been in a Catholic Church about half a dozen times. And, at least one of those times I was there to try to get laid. No offence but, you know where I am coming from on this one.

Anyhow the last person to share was a new guy and he was shaking and almost crying. He essentially yelled at all the people who shared about their negative experiences more or less calling them wimps. He said that he never heard Jews or Methodist complaining about their negative childhood religious experiences, why should Catholics. Like I said, I am not Catholic and the whole “family fight” made me feel uncomfortable and out of place. I am just glad that I was not chairing the meeting.
Sounds like no one was really chairing that meeting.
I hope there weren't any newcomers there. They might not return.
Sounds quite awkward. It's funny though, how in meetings once one or two people start to complain, everyone else chimes in.
I have been to several meetings in the last week or so that have gone down that road. As a practicing Roman Catholic, I always have to put in my 2 cents.. and usually people thank me. No one likes to hear all that bashing, not anyone.
The anti-Catholic thing is common over here. Esp' amongst Irish and Scots members (I'm Scots and a Catholic).

It's true what was said - you don't often hear Jews etc slagging their faith.

I was born an alkie, I think. It doesn't matter. But I DO KNOW the Catholic church didn't make me an alcoholic.

Good post, Trudgey-baby.

I wish more chairpeople would understand how to cut down the crosstalk. That's just not cool and it's not what we are there for!

Good post..although, sorry about the meeting
Keep coming back. :D (At least it's not your regular meeting!)
that sucks trudge
OOOH I have been to a few meetings like that before... and sometimes the chair person can pull people back to the topic of alcoholism and get the meeting going again, and sometimes they cant...
I usually leave go outside for a "gum break"
The best part of being in this country is that we have a right to choose. That includes our religion. If they don't like their church or anybody elses they should just keep their mouths shut.
I often hear people sharing about how the religion they were raised in really screwed them up. Being gay in this country can be tough and religious teachings can drive many of us into thoughts of shame and suicide. Suicide is the major cause of death in young gays and lesbians. There is legitimate talk about how religion has, in many ways, taught hate. It is valid for many to share about the religion they were raised in. If something might make you drink, then it is legitimate share material.
The catholic thing should only revolve around guilt and if it still bothers someone, go to a shrink. I was taught all the way through college by the Jesuits. I went, no big deal and there is no difference from any other alcoholics life. I have talked to these so called catholic victims and everyone I have run into was full of shit. I think there are more bandwagoneers than anything else. Baby Jesus says Fuck them..lol
That happens, sometimes. I've had a few meetings like that over the years. But we try to stay away from religious debates at our beginners meeting.

I did not have a negative Catholic upbringing, "Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves, could restore us to sanity."

How did this 2nd step get morphed into a "poor me" catholic discussion?

At our meeting we try to keep to the topic that is alcohol related speaking of our own experiences as they relate to sobriety. But sometimes people need to share - and in those occasions our chairs know how to mediate a meeting that gets out of control.

Sometimes a topic will reach the floor from a member in difficulty and the rest of our group usually goes along with the topic if it is truly pressing and relevant. But - if a topic gets out of hand - our chairs will usually stop the chatter and refocus the group back to the topic on the table.

Religion and God are two hot issues in meetings and that's a great test for our newcommers, if they run and never come back, or they return and ask questions later.

But step 12 does read...

"Having HAD a spiritual awakening as THE result of these steps..."

Eventually spirituality and even at times religion will come up how we trat those topics at meetings stands to the chair of that particular meeting. We all have had "peculiar" meetings - they inescapable.

Acceptance is the key to all of my problems. If I remember "But for the grace of God..."

Keep it simple, go to meetings, call your sponsor and work with others. This can't be the first time you've encountered angry catholics, and I am sure it won't be your last. Just chalk this up to experience, for when you chair meetings in the future.

Hang in there... There are always other meetings you can go to...

There are no justified resentments.

In my opinion, the problem wasn't the views. the problem is that they were discussed in an adversarial and confrontational manner. This is what happens when people do not get to grips with their resesntment. There SHOULD be room for differing views and opinions in AA. The principle of unity and live and let live is SUPPOSED to protect us from these resentful outbursts. But not all AA's adhere to the principle of live and let live. Which is a shame. But like everything else, none of my business. I just try to 'stick with the winners' in AA, and that means I get to avoid having to listen to these outbursts, most of the time! Oh well. There are a LOT of angry and dissatisfied people in AA unfortunately. I'm sorry you had to be around that kind of behaviour. Disunity like that is VERY bad for the newcomer. I was always told they were the most important person in the room by oldtimers.
Just find a meeting (if you want to) that is more about serving the newcomers best interests. That's what I do.
If someone is new and they want to get sober they will stick around regardless of the insanity that frequently creeps into our meetings. Think about it. We are a bunch of alcoholics from all types of crazy upbringings. The fact that we hold it together as well as we do is a MIRACLE.

I was raised Episcopal and really had no religious issues so to speak. My husband grew up in the Catholic church and his thinking was pretty twisted from it. That is not to say that it is from the "Catholic Religion." Just his experience with certain nuns and priests he got high with !!!! Doah!
Yeah, that is one of those times when I would be glad not to be the leader either (to steer it back to our singleness of purpose).

Altho, is precisely one of the things I love about our meetings. Anything can happen, at any time.

I witnessed an almost fist fight at one of my first two-three meetings and it scared the melon outta me. Didn't stop me from coming back :)
I agree with Scott and Ricky about being gay/lesbian and what gets inside of us through religious messages. It is a HUGE thing in our community -- will and should be talked about at meertings -- I think that's part of the reason for "specialty groups" in the program.
However, I think people ARE capable of talking about their difficulties without being SPECIFIC about their G-d or their RELIGION, but they are too lazy or uninterested in the newcomer to try!
This kind of stuff needs to be monitored a bit better due to the newcomer, as dAAve mentioned. I wanted to get clean BAD when I came to the rooms and if I had heard this I would've run, not stayed anyway, and I would've tried therapy AGAIN!
Anway.....you sure got simething going here with this one, huh?
A hot issue for usre, Trudge.
I have had a similar experience . . . I left the meeting bearing a lot on my shoulders. This is scary for the newcomer, what hope was there? Perhaps there was a reason for you to hold that very seat Trudge. I can see why mine was held at the meeting I went to.

This is great for you to speak about, thanx for sharing.
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