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Outright Mental Defective
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
  Must Love Cats
I don’t want to dwell on Eileen and her problems but, I have one more thing to share. I worked today so, I did not go to the morning meeting. When I got home this afternoon I had two messages waiting for me. It seems Eileen had brought several pictures on her dead cat’s body to the meeting to share with others. People were appalled. Is it just me or is that just weird? I think Eileen needs much more help than I could possibly give her.
Yes,you are right,Elaine probably does need more help than you could possibly ever give her.Good for you for letting that one go Trudge.
I hope Elaine finds what she needs one day.Thanks for sharing..
I have just got back from a meeting and I found out someone who was 8 years sober has gone back out drinking and is now in hospital.
Couldnt believe it!
Feel Awful
What's weird about that? OMG I've heard some stories but OMG!

On a serious note, the book clearly states that we only have our own experiences to give to new people. And our only message is how we stay SOBER. It's painful to let go of those whose sickness is other than alcoholism. Or those who are alcoholics but don't want we have.

Sounds to me like it's time for some page 96 action. But I reserve the right to be wrong!
I think you are going to the same meetings I am. You seem to know the same people, only minor details are different. God Bless You. This stuff tests the patience of a soul.
Yes, my dear, I think it is time to let that pigeon fly ... and let her go to the great unknown... too much drama me thinks...

that's just a SUGGESTION mind you, these are all merely suggestions. Who carries around pictures of dead animals...

That is just tooo wierd for me... I would run, run away and not look back...


I hit 2 meetings today...
I go for the wierd.
weird by any stretch of the imagination...
My recommendation (if that is what you are looking for), would be to keep working with her if you can tolerate it. She is obviously a little screwed up, but sometimes it takes a long time before some people get it. Weird is okay as long as she is now causing harm to anyone.

I recently went to a speakers meeting with a woman who, in the beginning of her sobriety was a nasty bitch to everyone. She couldn't stay sober, and the entire AA community avoided her. She kept going to meetings, and caused upheavals at every one, but eventually she got it. Twenty or so years later she is a wonderful, loving human being.

Just my opinion......
Yup, it is weird.

There is a saying that I heard early on in my homegroup.

"It's not about your cat!"

Maybe it is common in AA and I don't know it, but I have heard it and used it before when discussing primary purpose.
For what it's worth, I think that Eileen may using her cats - dead and alive - to cover up her feelings about being an alcoholic. If you can bear to wade through the dead cats (not literally, obviously!) you might get to the heart of the problem, but it could be tough going.

Losing a pet is often the last straw for people who are barely holding it together. Maybe you might suggest she sees a grief counsellor about losing her cat, so that when you and she work together she can concentrate more fully on what sponsoring is about. That way, she may feel heard/understood and realise that no-one is ignoring or trivialising her feelings about her cat(s), and if she does find someone else to work through those issues with she can keep her work with you on the matter of staying sober.
Hey, grief counseling is a good idea
Grief counseling and perhaps a look at her tendency toward animal hoarding. Outside help, yup. But you CAN help her, too, if you can stand to hang in there.
It would be a tough one for me, Trudge.
Prayers for you both,
That is weird. And, I've found that in recovery, folks tend to use their animals as an extension of themselves thereby torturing those around us.

This is very similar to munchausen syndrome. I shit you not. Projection of emotional feelings and *stuff* that a person won't allow themselves to feel or own.

Many people do this with their children as well. Buried deep in the recesses of the mind it's considered "safe" to project it onto our offspring and pets. It's sick stuff.

God bless you Trudge, those are the ones I imagine beating into submission :)
Def weird. Maybe you should show her this...


Ok, probably not the proper course of action. But still kinda funny in a sick way.
your friend is a sick person...cut her some slack.....she needs love and tolerance.....It is up to her to surrender....or go to the bitter end......
Sometimes some need that attention, even if it negative.
That's definitely weird. Is she off her meds?
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