Emotional Closure
This morning after I put my son on his school bus, I drove over to my A.A. club to see if
my sponsor was around. Sure enough she was there all alone, just hanging out in the office. After about twenty minutes of small talk I
was able to ask her point blank what was happening with “the relationship.”
I know that was God because, I hate dealing directly with emotionally charged situations.
She told me few things and then
I was able to finally express my concerns to her. The first time we discussed it took me so by surprise that
I was not able to tell her how I felt. This time I was able to say things to her like,” you may drink over this” and other obvious things. She agreed with me and said she was going to end the relationship but, only after they go away together this weekend.
We will see what happens. But, at least I feel like I have said what I need to say.
O.K. so now I will stop posting about it.