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Outright Mental Defective
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
  Emotional Closure
This morning after I put my son on his school bus, I drove over to my A.A. club to see if my sponsor was around. Sure enough she was there all alone, just hanging out in the office. After about twenty minutes of small talk I was able to ask her point blank what was happening with “the relationship.” I know that was God because, I hate dealing directly with emotionally charged situations.

She told me few things and then I was able to finally express my concerns to her. The first time we discussed it took me so by surprise that I was not able to tell her how I felt. This time I was able to say things to her like,” you may drink over this” and other obvious things. She agreed with me and said she was going to end the relationship but, only after they go away together this weekend.

We will see what happens. But, at least I feel like I have said what I need to say. O.K. so now I will stop posting about it.
Just dropped by to say HI and thanks for being there. I too worry about a Sponsor and a Sponsee. But I know that I too can do Nothing!!!

End, over end me, neither left nor to right.

I think this is one of the biggest challenges of long term sobriety. Eventually our sponsors will get drunk/ go nuts/ die. Or we can die before them.

Cheerful, huh?
I hear it all the time and it scares me.
Bravo Trudge, that shite isn't easy. And as you know many times telling folks how we feel about something is more about us than them. Bravo my friend!
Way to go , you got it off your chest. MC is right.
well im glad shes decided to call it quits. but it's the newcomer i feel sorry for. she might be able to handle breaking up, but new people can handle barely anything. if he drinks over this breakup, she will have contributed to that chain of events directly. oh well. since when did people in aa ever do what we want? i just have to accept the poor behaviour i come across and try to do my lousy best to lead a better example. good for you for speaking directly with her! courage is very healthy.
reading what everyone else has said i feel REALLY lucky. my old home group was massive. 200 people or something, and i have not heard of any one of the sponsors to have relapsed or gone mad. and that's over a 20 odd year period. nothing has changed. its still the same old same old. its just they are a bit older. i think i know of 2 women sponsors who decided to take antidepressants after 5-10yrs sobriety who are still taking them, but that's it. i hear of lots of other people from different home groups who relapse, but not from mine. we're all still here! i think we were INCREDIBLY lucky to have a VERY gifted old timer in our midst. since deceased. sober i might add. i love that all my old pals from the old days are still around, and are nice people. it really shows me that when people stick like glue to what's in the big book, that they STAY well. It would be considered sacrilege to thirteen step in my aa home group circles. The only people who 'sank' were the ones who never completed the first nine steps and sponsored. So basically I am really lucky to not have to worry about my friends drinking, or losing their minds.
The good part is that whatever she does, you don't have to drink over it.
You go, Trudge!
Good for you! Way to tell your sponsor what you thought about the situation. It's funny how sometimes we don't want to give advice to our sponsor because it's a little bit of a role reversal...

Praying for you!

You shown tremendous love and courage in sharing with her your concerns. Peace to you, my friend.
I appreciate your courage......
good for you, thats practicing detachment
yup..what Christine said.
Thanks for sharing.
You have walked thru some inner fear here Trudge with courage by your side. This is a victory for your recovery.
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