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Outright Mental Defective
Thursday, September 07, 2006
  Does Your Brain Ever Attack You?
Does your brain ever attack you? Mine does! My life has been going along very well lately but, the better things go the more my brain attacks. It’s the usual chorus line of negative thoughts, self doubt and worry. There seems to be an inverse relationship somehow.
I see you,
Yes, my brain attacks too.
My brain usually attacks somewhere around 1 in the morning keeping me up all night!
My ass usually attacks me.
yup--obessive thoughts brain attacks get me regularly. Takes so much energy to remember what to do when that happens--
All that positive thinking stuff I used to read it all long in the past when my next door neighbour roped me into Amway!
But my brain would still think negatively no matter what I did sometimes.
It must be all about chemical balance in your brain chemistry I think
I used to feel suspicious when things were going too good..yep..
like at any minute the carpet was going to be ripped from under my feet.
Nowadays I just say "fuck it" and have a good time.There will always be
plenty of crummy days so when things are good..I run with it..so here..

Jut knowing the negative stuff when ya feel it
means you can work on letting it go however way works for you.
Take practice for some of us though ..I know!

Thanks for sharing~
I really DID laugh out loud at what Lash said. That is funny.
My brain beats me up.
Yes, the mornings are the worst time for mine. It waits for me on the bedpost as I sleep and crackles with evil laughter when I start to wake up.

And sometimes, late at night after too much caffeine and sugar. Sugar will alter my brain chemicals very badly, almost cancelling out my effexor. It's a struggle but I likes me some sugar.
Yep. I'm afraid it's the human condition, -to have negative, self sabotaging self talk. It never disappears, you just get better at managing it, that's all. Or ignoring it. Whatever.
If a friend spoke to you, the way YOU, spoke to you, would you hang around with them?
We are NOT responsible for what comes into our heads, but we ARE responsible for how we deal with it
Hell yes my brain attacks. I am fascinated by the brain. Whenever I read about it and what they are learning it blows my mind.
Assault with a deadly weapon
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