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Outright Mental Defective
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
  Mother in Law Advice
I had forgotten how much my mother in law loves to give advice. She even loves to give advice about things that have already happened.

For instance our dryer plug along with our dryer, for lack of a better term, "blew up" a few months ago. Ever since we have been trying to get our electrician over to fix it. No luck yet, we are small potatoes and way down on his list of priorities. I also tried to get some electricians I know from the program over to give us an estimate. So far not one has so much as darkened our door.

So anyhow, back to my mother in law. I was saying something about hanging our laundry on the line and she turns to me with this earnest and worried face and says."you know now would be the perfect time to have the dryer plug replaced." "You really should have it done while you have the money and the time," she added. Duh, you think Judy.

So...how was the pasta salad?
I see you,
JJ just took the words right out of my mouth!
I have had my fair share of "those" comments :)
I had some time this last weekend of being a mother in law and a step mom and hoping to not offend or step on toes---its so hard when I think I have ALL this wisdom to impart! :) Theres some road paved with good intentions--I've heard tell...

But it was my mother in law who showed me a wonderful example and kept her mouth shut about the oh so many things she saw and I didn't or couldn't. I hope I learned something from her

Tell her about the pasta salad---oops theres me going and giving unasked for advice again---
Totally off the subject: Yesterday while driving with my daughter - she was looking through my CDs and wanted to listen to Edie Brickell... I don't have any of that b*** Edie Brickell's music. Anyway, then she picked good old Paul Simon's "Graceland", and I told her that Paul and Edie were married! And I thought of you!
shorted out.
your dryer shorted out.
mother-in-laws do that sometimes too.
Thanks everyone!
Hopefully she will be gone soon
mother in laws, aint they great??!! I am blessed to have a wonderful M-I-L. She has her moments, but hey, dont we all??
Hahahaaaahahaha........I love it! Thanks for brightening my day, and glad you are back. Hope you had a nice rest despite the pasta salad!
LMAO I can sooo relate only its my grandmother and it sometimes drives me nuts
I want to say, Gee thanks for stating the obvious!!! but most of the time it amuses me... LOL thanks trudge I feel your pain.. have a good day
I'm wondering how you restrained yourself from hitting her with something heavy :)

My Brother-n-law used to say that. He and my sister would have "talks" and he'd look around and say (to me, their audience) "gimme something heavy" (to throw at my sister).
What's up with the pasta salad? I've been gone quite a bit, and I think I am missing something......
So where the fuck are you..
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