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Outright Mental Defective
Saturday, May 20, 2006
  God's Way, My Way
Man oh man, I do not want to do things God's way today. Me, me, wonderful me! Just like Alexander Haige, "I am in control here."

I just sat through a class at church(we go to church on Saturday nights) on Fasting. The whole time I was thinking about how much I wanted to gorge myself.

What's going on with me? I have no idea except, I want to do things my way. And we all know how well my way works.
It must be that thing when we are told we can't have something we want it more often. I don't know how you lived through all that rain. I just drove through a horrendous rain storm and quit driving for the night. I don't like that hydroplaning stuff on the interstate.
Me, wonderful Me!

I'm with ya, Trudge. My way is always so appealing and so...other than good.

But did you actually go home and gorge yourself? Or was it just thoughts?
Don't beat yourself up for having thoughts. It makes you sound like me.
Your way, my way, the right way---none of it works. But God's Way is so awesome--wonder why its the last way I usually try?
I think our automatic, kneejerk reaction to situations is to do things our own way. Two-year-olds want to do things their way, right? Well, we never really grow out of that. The impulse is always there.

Fortunately for those of us who have stopped drinking, we no longer have to follow our impulses. We now have the ability to choose "the next right thing". And that is what matters in the end.
I think it is human nature. I could be wrong though.
You, me, and Frank Sinatra :) "It seemed like a good idea at the time"....
I've always wanted to do things my way...the only bad thing is that my way is usually the hard way. Maybe one day, I'll learn.
and so the guilt is poured on...... I'm reading this on Monday, just after a luncheon at work, I'm eating my second helping of homemade cobbler (after eating healthy, low cal, low fat and exercising all weekend)....... I guess I should put down the fork and back away now.
There are classes on fasting? What is the purpose? To cleanse out the system or some aescetic reason?
listen to daave trudge
If you don't live your life YOUR way,
whose way are you living it?
I can still convince myself that MY WAY works. Lethal.

Steady as she goes, eh?


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