Angry at God
I realized when I was praying yesterday that, for the first time in a long time,
I am angry with God.
When I first came into the rooms I was angry. I was angry at many people, places and things but, most of all I was angry at God.
Although I did not totally believe in God, I was afraid to be angry at God. I recognized that little ole Trudge against the Supreme Being of the universe was not exactly an even fight. You know, Trudge 0, God infinity.
My sponsor told me that if God was big enough to run the world he, she or it was big enough to handle all my emotions including my anger. When allowed my self to be angry with God, I was able to work through it. Work through it that is, with the help of The Program, a sponsor and a therapist who was also in the program. I was then and only then able I turn my life over to him in Step Three.
I have been working the Third Step for many years now but, here I am again, angry at God. Again I feel like I should not be angry at God. But, I cannot help it right now, I just am.