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Outright Mental Defective
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
  Sobriety Date
Today is the anniversary of the last day that I woke up in detox wearing paper slippers. The report attached to the end of my bed stated that the day before had "ran away" from a 3/4 way house.

It really was not my intention to run away. That morning some of my colleges and I had gone off into the nearby woods to get loaded. We drank NyQuil purchased at a 7-Eleven a quarter mile away. Today, I am not sure if NyQuil was the only alcohol we could get or if we thought that we would not get caught if we drank cold medicine. Either way we did get caught and I got shipped off to detox and then off to yet another halfway house.

In that detox I really took the first step for the first time. In that fog, I had a moment of clarity. I realized that I needed to take the First Step "just for today." Whenever I let myself get beyond today my ego and my innate love of argument would kick in and I could talk myself into another drunk so fast it makes my head spin. But, I just for today, I could admit that I was powerless.

Today, I realize two things: first, that my moment of clarity had to come from God and second, I still need to work my steps one day at at time. Arrrrrrrgggggggghh, I have become one of those slogan people I always hated.

Yay! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Trudge, Happy Birthday to you!
Happy anniversary far-away friend. I share in your day and the sheer miracle of it all. I wish you a peaceful, love-FULL, content, sober day. You are a realistic, positive presence in my blog life (and many others).

Thank you for that.
((Happy Birthday))
Good for you Trudge !!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing~
Well you are going to hate me but here goes. I wish you another 16 years. One Day at a Time, Keep coming Back. You are proof today that it works. Congrats and Happy Birthday
Happy Anniversary! I, hated the slogans as well. I spew them so often now I can imagne I make many people ill! And they told me people don't change.
A Miracle witnessed again. Yes they have been here all along but I havve failed to see them. Now that I am sober and have God and wonderful people like yo around I GET to see these soul refreshing Miracles!

Happy Anniverssary Trudge. I will put this in my recovery calander.
I am so glad you shared Trudge!!!! YEP those slogans help us,
so glad you are here and Happy Birthday

Keep Coming Back.
One Day at a Time.
Live and Let Live.
Easy Does It.
First Things First.
But For the Grace of God.
and so on and
so on
OK, I composed a card for you. I emailed it, but just in case you did not get it :) I also posted it here

Yaaayyyy, hAAppy!!!!
You certainly have come a long way Trudge. I bet you even have better slippers now. Way to go!
I see you,
Congrats to you!
Congrats, Trudge! I'm so glad you're here. Yea, I've become one of those slogan people, too. But hey, whatever works, right?
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