You know that dryer that I was grateful for a few days ago? The sucker died on me tonight. The box looks fried so I don't know if we can fix it.
I guess being grateful is not a mojo against losing things. Yippee, Life on Life's Terms. Yahoo!
¶ 4/24/2006 10:18:00 PM
heh...my brother in law bought a brand new stove/oven a couple of weeks ago only to have it die completely the night before Easter. My sister was supposed to bake all the Mac-n-Cheese. Oh, no. We can't do without that. My other sister ended up fitting them in her oven, but screwed up the recipe...heheheh... all she had to do was do what my sister told her. But NOOOOOO she had to go and think she knew better. LOL
It gave the rest of us something to give her a hard time about heheheh.
Good luck with your dryer.
Oh, btw, I've been sleeping on this blow up mattress. I bought it for $30.00 at Wal-Mart to have something to sleep on until I could get a real bed. It was so comfortable I just kept it. Guess what happened 2 nights ago? I woke up in the middle of the night, sunken in and basically laying on the floor. It had a leak.
Then I forgot to go get another one yesterday until I was about to go to bed. I had to get up 3 times last night to blow it up again. Fun fun...