Prayers for Sam If you pray, Sam could really use your prayers right now. Sam is being picked on by a 5th grade girl on his bus. Last night he was afaird to play in our yard because the girl had threatened him that afternoon.
¶ 3/30/2006 03:17:00 AM15 comments
HAAlf nAAked ThursdAAy Naked, nAAked or nekid! No mater how you say it, it must be spring and time for purple snowballs.
Yes folks, I really did think yesterday was Thursday when I orginally posted this. As my mother always said, "bring on the men in the white coats.
¶ 3/30/2006 03:07:00 AM
Needing God
When I first sobered up, I believed that one day I would “get it together” and no longer need to surrender to God's will. I was sure that one day graduate and need God less. I felt that the whole dependence on God thing was just a temporary crutch until I could get back on my self reliant feet.
I was wrong and I am so glad that I was wrong. I am coming up on 16 years sober and I can honestly say I depend on God more today than I ever have before.
¶ 3/26/2006 07:07:00 AM5 comments
hAAlf nAAked ThursdAAY
While I was looking around for our HNT photos I ran across this HNT picture. It is definitely a little over the top by my standards.
Happy Birthday Outright Mental Defective
Tomorrow March 11, 2006, Outright Mental Defective will be one year old. This is amazing to me; I have never been able to sustain anything connected with writing. Writing scares me too much. I am one of those people who is always going to write a book. Occasionally I get a partial outline before I abandon the idea. Blogging however, has opened up a whole new world to me. For that I am grateful.
On another note, pray for me. I am going with Sam, and three classes of first graders on a field trip to their sister school. Saying yes seemed like such a good idea at the time.
¶ 3/10/2006 05:29:00 AM13 comments
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Curse, Swear and Use Profanity
I did not mean to be gone so long. I had the flu or something like it the last few days and was just too gosh darn crabby to post. My sleep was all screwed up and when my sleep is all screwed up, I am all screwed up.
Speaking of gosh darn. I don't know how you experience your Higher Power but, mine is really into nudging. First there is the gentle nudge, then there is the slightly more powerfully nudge. If I ignore the nudging long enough eventually, I get a brick up side my head. For most of my life it has taken the brick upside my head to before I took action. I am trying to change that. After all what is the good of conscious contact when you ignore all the nudging.
Now once again, I don't know about you but, I curse, swear and use profanity a fair amount. I thought that when I became a mother that the desire to swear would magically leave me. It did not. If anything I wanted to use profanity even more. Lately my Higher Power has been doing some gentle nudging around my cursing.
So before the gentle nudging turns into a brick I am trying to clean up my language. It is hard! When you have done something since you are about ten years old it is a gosh darn hard thing to change darn it. I am reminded however, that it is progress not perfection.
¶ 3/08/2006 02:24:00 AM84 comments
Friday, March 03, 2006
24 Hours
I am going to have an entire 24 hours to myself. That is right my boys are going on a Cub Scout Campout and I have an entire 24 hours all to myself to fritter away.
24 hours of the channel selector all to myself.
24 hours of not having people ask me where they put their stuff.
24 hours of no one needing anything from me.
And before you ask, yes the campout is in a cabin because it is way too freakin cold to be in a tent unless you are Ann Bancroft.
Mental illness and ranting, raving
It was only a matter of time but, someone actually found me on Yahoo with "Mental illness and ranting, raving."
¶ 3/02/2006 12:51:00 PM7 comments