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Outright Mental Defective
Monday, September 12, 2005
  Sandy 2
Where was I? Oh yes, Sandy. The first thing I remember hearing about Sandy, after we moved into the neighborhood, was that she Home Schooled her four children. This of course made her immediately suspect. On one hand, I have a fair amount of disdain for Home Schooling and dismiss it as Christian Fundamentalist quackery. At the same time, I have often felt like a "Bad Mother" in the Presence of Home Schooling mothers. This little voice in the back of my head saying, if you really loved your son you would Home School him. If you really loved your son you would single handedly take on the mammoth responsibility educating your child from now until he leaves for college. Not only would you do all this, you would be cheerful about it.

Now I love my son but, the prospect of he and I alone at the dinning room table for the next 12 years makes me want to open a vein. You see where I am going with this ? My relationship with Sandy was emotionally charged before I ever met her.
I have never been so grateful to see a Monday morning as I am this morning. I love my girls but just couldn't wait for them to go back to school.
Home school three teenage girls....why don't I just kill myself now.
Yep, got to love those Mondays
I can see positives and negatives for home schooling. "Book smarts" is a wonderful thing to have.
But I have to wonder about the social ramifications of keeping a child at home all day, away from their peers. It seems like by adolescence, they will revolt and rebel and get out of (sneak) the home at the first chance.

Maybe I'm ignorant about this as I am single and gay. But I also have a degree in Education and think the active social life is just as important as the books, especially in these years of learning who we are.
Is googling the same as being the master of your domain?
Yep all I did was google with myself my first year of sober (-:
lol. no comment on THAT discusssion...

but about the home schooling, i think it is a great idea if done properly. i have friends who were home schooled. basically they went to public school every second year. on the years that they were home schooled they did a lot of traveling with their folks, visited museums and art galleries, etc. they got to experience more first hand, and got the benefit of having a lot of one-on-one time with their "teachers".

i have another friend who was home schooled by his mother, but basically she was a crazy christian who wanted to keep him under her thumb. although he excels in being self-motivated and didn't waste his teen years partying, he seriously thinks he missed out on a lot of important things, as well he found it hard working at a university level initially.
I haven't ridden the wild google in a loooooonnnnngggggg time.
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