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Outright Mental Defective
Sunday, September 18, 2005
  Cub Scouts

Sam was inducted into the Cub Scouts on Friday night. It was all very cute. The Scout Master put an American Indian headdress on his head and they picked his Cub Scout Den Harry Potter style. He was thrilled! This picture is him the next day wearing his new Tiger Scout cap.

As I sat there however, anxiety started to set in. First, I remember how much I disliked the Girl Scouts. Well it is not that I really disliked the Girl Scouts it is that I never felt a part of the Girl Scouts. I never quite got the Girl Scouts songs and the Girl Scout chants. All those bonding little rituals seemed to annoy and elude me at the same time. Scouting as a whole eluded me.

In addition, my parents never let me do a lot of the extra stuff like camp and camp outs. They always seemed to be afraid of letting me go. My mother was the mother who was always afraid of a tidal wave wiping out the Girl Scout Camp even though, we lived in Iowa.

You know now that I am putting this down on paper, I do not think I was feeling anxiety I think I was just feeling sad. I am feeling sad for myself not, Sam.
Very cute picture. I was actually a Brownie Girl Scout Troop Leader...can you stand it! Both my girls were in my troop. It lasted a couple years and then I realized all the other mothers just didn't want to help out and I was doing everything on my own and I gave it up. I miss the cookies!
Why do the Boy Scouts think it is necessary to exclude gays from their ranks. They suck!
I never even got to be in the girl scouts, how sad is that :-(
Oh and also, my blog has moved to: http://www.soberthoughts2.blogspot.com
I don't mean to sound stupid but I thought that whole homosexual Scout Master thing had been settled, Wasn't their a series of law suites in favor of the Gay Scout Masters.
I HATED Boy Scouts. Paramilitary scoutmasters outnumbered us kids, we went on hikes about once a quarter (always in the driving rain) and the only campouts were at the urban "Forest Preserves" where the only wildlife was rats. I hope Sam has more fun than I did! :)
Trudge, not that I have heard about. But I have been wrong before.
Sirreene, I got this far east because I moved to the big city of Minneapolis. Then I got sober and met a guy from at a party who came to Minneapolis to go to treatment. He was from CT (via CA, VA long story) Nine years later we moved to CT
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