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Outright Mental Defective
Monday, September 26, 2005
  Christmas Letters
Every year my husband and I write a tongue in cheek letter to go out with our Christmas cards. You know the kind of letter I am talking about. Our son’s is at Harvard, our dog is at Yale now let me tell you about my appendectomy. The only difference between ours and most of those letters is that we are kidding.

Anyway, we need inspiration. So this year if you get one of those awful letters would you mind passing it on to me? I am running out of ideas.
Not familiar with those. Give me more to work with.
How about?

I won blogger of the year award.

We're expecting quadtriplets and I'll know who 'my baby daddy' is when the DNA results come back.

I've gone back to school to study ________(?)

We've redone the house in the most outrageous shades of lavendar and orange.

Chuck came out of the closet on Easter but I locked him back in.

I dislocated my hip riding my dirtbike.

OK....I better stop. Please post the letter after you've finished it. Sounds like a hoot!
What fun.

How about something a bit cynical, and say that I have decided to enlist for service in the army, or I have taken on another spouse.
Another spouse that a good one. How about another child.
I have a friend who does the Christmas / New Year letter - it is enough to make me want to jump off a bridge.

I say go with the shock value.

Our son is doing well in his third attempt at rehab. We are grateful the judge went easy on him on the attempted murder charges.

The producers from Survivor called and hubby will be going to Mongolia soon for the 8th session of Survivor. I really don't mind because we could use the million dollars but the time apart will kill me.

Hubby was very understanding of the affair and has agreed to stay as long as I attend sex addict anonymous. Hi my name is Trudge and I haven't had sex in 2 hours. Gee, it is an interesting group. I think I saw Steven Tyler there.

And we sorry to hear about Aunt Anne passing away. It certainly is terrible that no one found her for 23 days. I think we were named in the will. I hope so. I really wanted that diamond and emerald pin.

I think you get the idea Trudge. Have fun. It sounds great. I think I might do one. And take a family photot. Me in curlers and a cigarette hanging from my mouth. Kids all wild and crazy. House a mess. You know....the real world just a tad wild.
I get a letter every year from my cousin, who is NASA's launch commander for the Space Shuttle missions. It used to be that no one could top that. I mean, every year, he's getting ready to send a shuttle off into space, yadda yadda yadda..

Of course, his job's gotten very sad lately. Still, it's the kind of job no one can really top. So, I sympathize anyway.

By the way, he also cursorily mentions his son, who has been in both rehab AND in jail. So at least he's fair and balanced?

Okay, now my suggestion:

How about changing all your names and "implying" you had to join the Witness Protection Program. Make up a whole new life. Send them in a big box, already stamped, to a friend and have them mailed from another state? I'll do it! Ohio postmark!
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