About a year ago Bonnie asked me to be her sponsor. I had known Bonnie for awhile and she had just had a relapse. I told her what I had
learned to tell potential sponsees over the years. I told her the only way I knew to sponsor women was to
take them through the steps.
"Read the first few pages of the Dr's Opinion and call me tomorrow," I said. She looked at me, smiled and said, "I just finished reading the Big Book." "Great," I answered, "lets start again with the Dr's Opinion." There was a long pause and then she said, "but I already finished it and
I don't want to read the Big Book twice. A few more things said but, that was basically the begining and then the end of our sponsor/sponsee relationship.
Now I have to admitt that I just assumed that Bonnie would ralasp. Then a strange thing happened. Instead of coming to fewer and fewer meetings Bonnie started coming to more and more. She even started coming to night meetings. When I first knew her she told me that she couldn't come to night meeting because Dave her husband didn't like to be left alone with the kids at night. She also started using the phone and calling me and several other women. Last month Bonnie even celebrated a year sober.