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Outright Mental Defective
Friday, August 12, 2005
  The Short Man's Smoke Shop
I have another addiction. This addiction I am not yet willing to recover from. Are you ready, drum roll please. My addiction is to pop or now that I live in Connecticut to soda. Not just any pop but to a certain brand of cola. I know, what a wimp-assed thing to be addicted to. I can see the headline now, "the Soft Drink Wars Claims Yet another Victim."

O.K. but my soda addiction is not really what this post is about. It is about the short man and his smoke shop. The short man is this Indian guy who runs this smoke shop/convenience store a few blocks from my house. That is India Indian not American Indian. He is always lighting incense and playing Indian music. I call him the short man because I tower over this guy and I am only 5'2". What an odd sensation towering over someone.

There is one more thing you need to know. In central Connecticut where I live virtually nothing retail opens before 8:00 am and most places do not open until 9:00 am. I think "we keep reasonable retail hours" is the fricken Connecticut state Motto for goodness sake. If you're addicted like I am however, you are not willing to let your addiction keep wimp-assed banker's hours. That where the short man comes in. He opens at 6:00 a.m. So there I was this morning at 7:00 a.m. standing in behind the woman buying lottery tickets and in front of the guy buying cigarettes. It was like addiction central and it always is at that hour. I have yet to see someone buying Tylenol for their sick toddler before 9:00 am it is just us folks buying alcohol, sugar, gambling and cigarettes. If he was selling sex I am sure there would be a line for that also. Why we could have had a meeting right there and then.
I admit I am addicted to Diet Coke. I love it! I will go to great lengths to get it. And it must be Diet Coke not that other stuff. Thankfully I live where you can always find a place open.
Geez, just another addiction I will have to stop someday but for now I'll stick with staying the heck away from drugs and alcohol.
In Texas (and I suspect in The South) there is no such thing as a POP or SODA.

We drink COKE.

A coke is Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, Cream Soda or anything else that come carbonated in a can or bottle. Except BEER, of course.

Thanks for allowing me the venue to help clear up this jargonian mess for y'all. Have a good day, Bubba.
I would drink coke at midnight, instead of getting into bed. When I realised it was just another way of me changing how i felt, becasue I was lonely at that time of night. (only diff was it had no vodka in it), and its got 20 sugars in each. I stopped it a day at a time. I feel better, my skins better. i dont drink soda hardly ever now. Admitted It was another part of may unmanageability & I was ready & willing to change. I had to be ready. Awareness & admission is the 1st step. Nice post, thanks for the reminder.
Isn't it funny how once you are in recovery you can actually identify that you have additions. And of course, everyone elses? I'm so good at that.

I'm a hard core Diet Pepsi girl. It's my last (tangible) addiction and I'm keeping it as long as I can!
Well I am from Ky (originally) and we still call it pop. But of course we only started wearing shoes in 97 so go figure. Now that Im a New Yorker, I rarely hear the word Pop anymore. Thanks for reminding me of home.

5'2 huh, wow. I feel actually tall at 5'4. You know there's a special place for us short folks where tall people can't go
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