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Outright Mental Defective
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Kayla is nine and lives on the next block. I meet Kayla for the first time at the beginning of the summer. She just showed up in my yard and commandeered a soccer game my six year old son was playing. A few weeks later she showed up on my doorstep asking to come in and play with Sam. It was early Sunday morning and I thought it was odd that she wanted to play with a boy three years younger. When I asked her if her Mom knew where she was, Kayla said her Mom lived in New Britain a town about a half hour from us. She then proceeded to call her Dad who did not seem to care much where his daughter was.

I have a hard time dealing with Kayla. I know there is something wrong in her life. I want to do the right thing. She however, is like this bottomless pit of needs and wants. Those needs and wants are all wrapped in this frenzied energy that she gives off. If you offer her juice she wants soda (or coke for my Texas friends) if you offer her cookies she wants them and a sandwich. Yet, I don’t think she is really hungry for food, I think she is just hungry to get things. The only way to get Kayla out of our house half the time is to literally give her what my mother calls the “the bum’s rush,” and push her out the door.

There is something really desperate about her. I see her desperation but, I don’t even know how to begin to help her. There is nothing tangible that I could report to child protection. She is clean, well dress and doses not have any marks on her. Whenever I am around Kayla however, I feel like I need to fight being pulled into her vortex. She is just nine but, I have this fight or flight response in my gut. In the end I can not really help her I can only pray.
Sounds like she is a needy kid. And I don't think you are too far off the mark about something being wrong. Daugher #3 (foster) is very needy. Though she is 14 in years I say she is about 10 emotionally and mentally. Poor kid....this is her first taste of what a family is. Probaby just like Kayla. Try offering to walk her home and meet the dad. See where she lives and get a taste of her life. She probably just loves having a "MOM" around and doesn't want to leave it. Poor kid. You have a heart of gold Trudge.
Yeah except I need reading glasses for the E-mail and comments part. But, actually I am 42 and I need them anyway.
sometimes prayer and being there is enough, you are such a kind person... you probably make her feel much better :)
There are no coincidences... that she has been put in yor path.

Deal with the needs for now, not the wants, set some boundaries & stick to them. Day at a time.

Tough Love worked for the Desperate, Needy & endless wanting (in my experience)
Prayers said for that little needy soul.
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