More on the Cult of AA
Jim, better known as
Bitter Waiter, posted this yesterday in response to my May 21 question "Is AA a Cult?" Its well written and he makes some very valid points. I thought you would all like to read it.
AA is interpreted as a cult because of the religious content, the claim that it is "the only way" and that ex-drinkers who are not members are dry-drunks, which is an oxymoron!It is about the only game in town having permeated society with it's ideas and messages, and much of it's "success" can be attributed to the fact that the addiction treatment industry is huge and folks "keep coming back"! Mostly AA has abysmal abstinece rates, I think because the forces that be push people into the program via courts and prisons. That and many know of no other alternative! I bet AA would go back to it's high sucess rate if the cohersion stopped and people has options.To people who seek it out and know the other options, willingly decide its for tham and are happy- that's super cool. Better than using, for sure.