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Outright Mental Defective
Saturday, May 21, 2005
  Is Alcholics Anonymous a Cult
Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Cult? Before I started to do research (if you can web surfing research) for this Blog I had no idea that there was a group of people intent on exposing one of the most effective movements in America’s (and the world’s) history as a Cult. Oh I had heard the occasion person “in the rooms” talk about how their mother, sister, husband or friend told them that they were an A.A. or Treatment Victim and they were part of a Cult. I was unaware however, that there is a small number of websites that lambaste A.A. as a dangerous Cult. One of these sites even accuses Bill W. as being demon possessed.

In the end I suppose whether A.A. is a cult or not all depends on how you define cult. In the interest of truth I have linked you to some sites and you can be the judge. Call your sponsor however, before you before you start selling stuff at the airport.
I'll pass on the links. Thanks anyway. My time is too valuable to me to read it.

Now, if I was still drinking ...
If I wanted AA to not work for me I would be all over those links. The reality is that AA does work for me and has changed my life. Some people will look for the easier, softer way somewhere else. For most of us, AA is the easier, softer way.

Thanks for visiting my blogs. To answer your question, I do earn my living as an artist by designing custom rugs and carpets. I just started to promote my personal art.
I have a really valid point.
I get a kick out of these "critiques." I had no idea that even "Rational" Recovery viewed AA with such anger and fear -- and the irony appears lost on them. :) I linked and discussed a similar anti-AA site on my blog awhile back.

I've been hanging around AA in 3 cities in 2 states for a year, and the picture of AA painted by these critiques is unrecognizable to me. AA has got to be the sorriest excuse for a cult there ever was.

I'm with Scott: my belief is that AA will work for anyone who wants it to work. I could be wrong about that. But I'm sure that it will work for ME if I want it to. Do other things work for other people? Sure! Jim, who comments above, is an outstanding example. I always appreciate reading his thoughts, though I seldom agree with him. :) Would other things work for me? I think I'll stick with what's working so far and not try any potentially suicidal experiments.

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