Is Alcholics Anonymous a Cult
Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Cult? Before I started to do research (if you can web surfing research) for this Blog I had no idea that there was a group of people intent on exposing one of the most effective movements in America’s (and the world’s) history as a Cult. Oh I had heard the occasion person “in the rooms” talk about how their mother, sister, husband or friend told them that they were an A.A. or Treatment Victim and they were part of a Cult. I was unaware however, that there is a
small number of websites that lambaste A.A. as a dangerous Cult. One of these sites even accuses
Bill W. as being demon possessed.
In the end I suppose whether A.A. is a cult or not all depends on how you define cult. In the interest of truth I have linked you to some sites and you can be the judge. Call your sponsor however, before you before you start selling stuff at the airport.