Best Advice -#1
April said,
The best advice I ever got in the program came about 2 weeks after coming back from a relapse. I had a ton a resentments that were tearing me apart. I had heard prior to my relapse that resentments are the number one thing to send out back out the door.
I had finally hit bottom and was full of resentments, I didn't know what to do, but I knew that I didn't want to drink again. One night during break at a meeting, I walked up to someone I knew had a lot of sobriety, someone I was comfortable around because I had met them before my relapse. I told them of my resentments and how I didn't know what to do.
They told me to go home, write all of resentments down on paper, who I was mad at and why and then next to it try and write down what part I had played in it. I should do that for every single one. They also told me to read pg 552 in the Big Book when I was done and that between those two things, I should begin to ease my resentments.
It worked. It wasn't easy, nor perfect, but it worked. That advice and my willingness to take action on it saved my life.